Empty hands reach out to you
Unseen dreams i offer You
Useless steps i used to take
Decisions apart from you for my own sake
I've played the fool for far too long
Went my own way i've sang my song
Thought i knew what i was doing
Now i know it was your plan all along
Broke me so could see how simple it is
That life is meant to be lived beside You
No other way to grow old
My eyes look on all i see is yours
The seas the waves and every movement
The rocks the creatures of the land
The islands the wind dwell in your hand
What can i give which is not Yours
Every breathe i take my steps my thoughts
The way i speak my movements my actions
Every fabric of my being was molded by you
Make me like the wind it blows like you made it to
The birds they fly as you commanded them to
The sun it shines as you set it to
Now make me grow and know how to live for you
To know no fear no hate no pride
Make me a servant i want to know no shame
May i see myself as the lowest yet glorify your name
You died for me and was the lowest for me